Learn to express yourself while maintaining restraint, differentiate feelings from actions, and master the Process Model of emotional regulation.
Learn to express yourself while maintaining restraint, differentiate feelings from actions, and master the Process Model of emotional regulation.
Embrace your worthiness with Unraveled! Silence self-doubt, conquer Imposter Syndrome, and celebrate your unique strengths. Elevate confidence, acknowledge growth, and realize your inherent worth. Join the journey. #WorthySuccess #SelfDiscovery #Unraveled
Dare 2 Share
What is it? The #Dare2Share Challenge is a double dog dare for you! A series of videos created for you as a challenge. Each video will give you a main topic that teaches other people about who you are and what you do in a FUN and relatable way. I
Trunk Talk
Never stop trying to learn & grow. Because not many things are certain in this life, aside from the fact that uncertainties are inevitable. So it’s our own choice… Embrace openness and curiosity and fricken go for “it” whatever your “it” may be. Or remain the same. If uncertainty follows
Imagine stepping into your own shoes (for me, the actual shoes are Chucks, warm worn leather, and Nikes, depending on the day) and feeling true ease and peace with the person you are today and the person you are still becoming. This person is comfortable at work & at home, not
Losing my parents 26 days apart? Well, if that's not a cruel twist of fate, I don't know what is. It's like the universe decided to challenge my vocabulary just when I needed it most. But let's be real, when life serves up a double scoop of grief, words take
Trunk Talk
🌱Don’t give up on the dreams & goals & gifts planted in you! They weren’t given to you for you. They are for this world. And playing small is burying or hiding them. Justin Prince dives deeper in his book “Be the One” If you’re like me and want
Hello avoidance, my old friend, you’ve come to talk to me again. You and I have gotten pretty close lately, haven’t we? The mountains of responsibilities, passions, and necessary “agendas” are there, but I’d rather graciously dismiss them and completely disregard their importance, valid or not. We
Trunk Talk
Let’s not glorifying the busy. 🛑 Stop. Pause. Reflect. If you’re missing precious moments with those you love because your brain is too preoccupied, you’re too distracted, or work is winning in the fight for attention it’s time for a new perspective. You work hard so you
Trunk Talk
Never underestimate your past experiences, they just might be someone else's guiding light!
Have you ever felt slightly crazy and like you have a screw loose? Your ideas run rampant, come into your brain, and leave just as fast. If you're the kind of thinker who drops audacious ideas like breadcrumbs, you're familiar with the raised eyebrows and puzzled glances. Remember, Uber and
Have you ever met someone, and when they opened their mouth, their voice sounded nothing like you would have imagined? Or made a preconceived notion based on appearance, job title, or any other factors and been absolutely blown away by that person's capabilities? I imagine movies where the mastermind behind
Trunk Talk
“But this is what I’ve learned the hard way: what people think about you means nothing in comparison to what you believe about yourself.” -Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect I highly recommend listening to her book if you are anything like me and tend to struggle to stay present.
Have you ever gotten stuck in a scrolling trance? Time slips away- minutes, even hours, go by, and you’re left feeling slightly numb. We justify the scroll addiction by saying we are “networking” or even disguising it as work. When in all reality, we need to snap back to
Trunk Talk
People will see courage in you and it will ignite courage in them.
It's our human nature to seek approval and validation that our efforts are paying off. Sometimes we are searching so desperately that it's as if we are trying to find water in the desert. We look at a cactus and think, "I bet there is water," or see a mirage