Digital Bondage

Digital Bondage

Have you ever gotten stuck in a scrolling trance?

Time slips away- minutes, even hours, go by, and you’re left feeling slightly numb. We justify the scroll addiction by saying we are “networking” or even disguising it as work. When in all reality, we need to snap back to NOW. The need for tech has never been more real. But how much damage are we doing to our real-life relationships by losing ourselves in this abyss?

We continually compare ourselves to people’s virtual reality and lose our grasp on the present time.  Often, we’re left feeling "less than" and our online consumption and screen time leave us exhausted rather than enlightened.

 I think many of us agree it’s gotten a bit out of hand. Deep down, we crave simplicity again, but that feels almost impossible because how success in our businesses looks today is a game of being seen and heard. That requires us to leverage socials, AI, and so many moving parts. It’s simply the nature of the beast.

But what works doesn’t always feel great dies it? And this begs the bigger question of finding the balance. It used to be work-life balance, and now it’s reality versus media balance.

Scary Numbers

Let me blow your mind with some alarming stats that aren’t all that shocking when I think about how many times, I pick up my phone or tune into Netflix to unwind at the end of the day and automatically start the next episode without even realizing it. Welcome to binge Grand Central Station!

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The average person spends 6 hours and 58 minutes daily on screens connected to the internet. And check their phone 96 times daily or once every ten to 12 minutes. Though, we actually touch our phones up to 2,617 times per day and unlock our phones 150 times on average.

Time Wasted

Our time spent glancing at our phones adds up to monumental levels. As busy professionals, we justify the use and simultaneously complain that we don’t have enough time off or can’t seem to break free for moments of exhale.

Let’s break down some numbers. If the average person spends upwards of 7 hours a day online, let’s be gracious and say 3-4 of those are meaningful pursuits to grow your network, work, or interact. We are left with upwards of 3 hours daily we spend scrolling socials or watching Netflix. That is 84 hours a month or 1,008 hours annually spent looking at our devices aimlessly. Equating to just over a month total out of each year.

The Joneses

Keeping up with online demands and balancing our lives is brutal. But here are some key questions to ask yourself:

1. Do you feel the need to be everywhere at once? Yes, being on LinkedIn, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram simultaneously will boost numbers, but is it feasible?

2. Have you set limits to your consumption?

3.  Are you being intentional? Who do you follow, how do you interact, and what do you allow in?

4. Has clickbait stolen your mind and time?

5.  Are your online actions purposeful or simply scrolling as a mental getaway?

6.  Do you feel compelled to keep up because it’s necessary or because you can’t help but feel good from the dopamine boost?

7. Are you unconsciously gravitating to your device in every empty moment?

8. Are you missing moments with those you love in exchange for feedback from virtual strangers?

How can you make a change?

It’s time we raise our level of awareness when it comes to the tiny computers in our hands. That we remember, the highest-paid engineers in the world are intentionally crafting media to keep us online. And most importantly, remember that we have real lives and families sitting right in front of us that deserve our undivided attention.

As you look to remain relevant, keep in mind it’s the people and relationships that really matter, and go back to rooting yourself in the reason you went down your given career path, to begin with.

It’s not about whether or not you’re as good as a competitor, if your metrics are high, or how many followers you have.

It’s about remaining healthy and happy and stepping away from the things that don’t serve us and into those that serve others.

Together let’s continue to unravel and open up to new ideas and levels of awareness.

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My sweet fam in Disneyland over Spring Break